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Notice: Xcel Monitoring Forecasted Fire-Weather Conditions Forecasted For Friday


Friday is going to be a very windy day with strong west winds blowing 30-40 mph with gusts over 60 mph and possibley higher. Excessively dry conditions, high fuel loads, and significant wind speeds will create an elevated wildfire risk.  The City has been in communication with Xcel Energy, and at this time it appears that there is a high probability for a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) in some parts of the service area on Friday. 

This notice is just a heads up as a decision has not been made as of now.  We are keeping in close communication with Xcel, and if or when a decision is made an alert will be issued.  Now would be the time to plan for this possible PSPS by making sure you have supplies you need or access to a generator if you have medical issues. 

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