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- The City of Lefors staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Mayor Proclaims April 2025 Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month
Mayor Michael Ray signed a Proclamation declaring April 2025 Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. To read Proclamation, click here
Notice: Xcel Monitoring Forecasted Fire-Weather Conditions Forecasted For Friday
Friday is going to be a very windy day with strong west winds blowing 30-40 mph with gusts over 60 mph and possibley higher. Excessively dry conditions, high fuel loads, and significant wind speeds will create an elevated wildfire risk. The City has been in communication with Xcel Energy, and at this time it appears that there is a high probability for a potential Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) in some parts of the service area on Friday.
Xcel Energy Statement Regarding Elevated Wildfire Risk
The City has received a statement from Xcel Energy concerning the high wind event and wildfire threat expected Friday, March 14th. Click here to read statement.
Off Road Vehicles Not Allowed In Park Or On City Streets
Just a vehicles, or any type of vehicle, are not allowed in the City Park or the baseball field. The gates are locked to discourage this and to keep the grounds nice for residents. Off road vehicles are not allowed on City streets at any time. Sheriff deputies randomly come through town, and being stopped would possibly result in a citation being issued. Please do not deliberately do damage to the roads by doing donuts, sliding around corners, etc. We have no material to repair the roads with, and if they are torn up, they will have to be repaired with caliche.
City Dumpsters Are For Bagged Household Trash
Just a reminder....the City dumpsters are ONLY for bagged HOUSEHOLD trash and small brush or limbs. Please DO NOT place the following items in the dumpster. If the following items are placed in the dumpsters, the dumpster will not be emptied until the item(s) are removed.
City Hall's Hours Have Changed
The Lefors City Hall will be open four days a week until further notice, and will be closed on Fridays unless otherwise noted. Please be sure and check the Community Calendar on the City's website at Public Works will be on duty five days a week and may be reached at 806-661-8350 on the days City Hall is closed.
Limb Disposal Site Next To Water Tower
The City is allowing residents to dispose of limbs and brush on the lot by the old water tower. Please, do not put anything except limbs and brush in the pile. We have found furniture, a mattress, pallets, and various other items placed there. If items like these continue to be placed in the disposal site, it will be shut down to the public. Thank you.
Automatic Credit Card Payments Now Accepted
The City can now accept automatic credit card payments. The only auto pay option in the past couple of years has been by bank draft, but our software company has made an upgrade. To set up autopay with your credit card or debit card, call City Hall at 806-835-2200. The payment will process each month on the 20th. There will be a small fee for credit/debit card payments, and as always bank draft remains free.
Lefors Code of Ordinances Updated to Allow Viewing of Original Ordinance
The City is excited to announce an update to our Code of Ordinances that will greatly benefit residents. Our online code of ordinances now has links within the code that will allow you to view the original ordinance in its entirety. Also, Appendix B is an Ordinance Disposition Table. The link to our Code is centered at the top of the City website. Check it out!
Web Address For Reporting Compliments or Complaints Regarding Post Office
Have you ever needed to compliment a worker at our Post Office, or to file a complaint on one, and couldn't get any answers of how to do that? Here is a link that you can use :
Who's Responsible For Mowing The Alley?
We have had a lot of questions regarding who is responsible for mowing the alleys and keeping them junk free. A section from our Code of Ordinances, which may be found at , has been included below.
Need Help with City Services Schedule?
When is my City bill is due? Is there a place in town to haul limbs? Are we under a burn ban? Don't see the information you need? Give us a call, we will gladly assist you. To contact us after hours regarding a City emergency, call 806-661-8350. For medical emergencies, dial 911.