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Mayor Proclaims April 2025 Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month


Mayor Michael Ray signed a Proclamation  declaring April 2025 Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month. To read Proclamation, click here

Effective child abuse prevention activities succeed because of the meaningful connections and partnerships created between child welfare, education, health, community and faith based organiztions, businesses, and law enforcement agencies.  Prevention remains the best defense for children and families.  Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) are assigned by the court to speak up for a child's best interest and help ensure the child's voice is heard. CASA volunteers provide a consistent presence in a child's life while working collaborotively with everyone involved on the case.  CASA volunteers stay by the child's side during their time in foster care, advocating for the child's voice to be heard and for the needs of the child and family.  

CASA of The High Plains is located at 315 N. Ballard, Pampa, Texas, and may be reached by phone at 806-669-7638.